Vikhod Ltd Ltd.. In a Nutshell


Our Marketplace Marketers are our publishers. They are the members which are able to promote various offers, services, products and more via their own channels… Simply Choose your offer to promote & start! So? Do you own a website? Operate a community page? You are the publisher we are looking for!


Like any real market which has both buyers and sellers, same principal applies here. Our publishers will take care of promoting our network’s offers BUT with no advertisers which own the services, goods & products, there will be nothing to promote.

3rd Party Agencies

3rd Party agencies, are parties which are capable of providing additional services, which our marketplace members requires,i.e; Creative design, campaign building, content, development & integrations and more. This is our market advantage being able to offer such solution by a click of a button to our members.

About Us

Vikhod Ltd is an performance-driven digital marketing Marketplace. Founded on the idea in 2021, we decided to become the first network operating by this principal of combining under one network all sides of the mattress.
Vikhod Ltd Marketplace Network has evolved alongside client needs in the ever-changing online marketing industry. With the ability to answer one huge need, with our further expertise in spanning Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), Performance Display Advertising, Paid Social, Shopping & Feed, and Mobile Strategy, as a result of the service integration of our 3rd party agencies combined with technology based solutions.
The execution of strategic planing for our clients that reach the right audience to generate sales and/or qualified leads at a cost-effective rate, the implementation of Educational verticals, community engaging tools & strategies, provides optimal efficiency that results in reaching pre-defined KPIs.

Vikhod Ltd brings a unique business model to its Network’s Marketplace that ties Publishers, Advertisers & 3rd Party Agencies in to one ecosystem. This rewards our members for continuous performance and satisfied all parties involved by reaching their KPIs.

  • Vikhod Ltd “Campaign Managers Solution” is provided & available to all advertisers and publishers by the 3rd party agencies. After all the concept of our 3rd Party Agencies concept, is to introduce our members to professionals which knows better than us what we’ve yet to learn.
  • In this Network, all employees are being treated like a business owner, allowing them to mature grow and emerge to something new by introducing them to so many levels of online digital marketing and its behavior patterns.
  • Vikhod Ltd Vision is;
    “To become the next step in Marketing Networks Evolution“
  • Our Motto is:
    “Consolidated Marketplace for Marketing“
Publishers 34%
Advertisers 31%
3rd Party Agencies 25%
Success & Satisfaction 100%

Do you have any ideas?

Services & Solutions

Below are the major services which are offered by Vikhod Ltd. It is also important to mention that we also have additional services which are not displayed here, services that answers unique needs for custom made partners & clients.

Advertiser's Market Place

A unique solution, build for advertisers which are looking to promote their offers, services, products or operations, with the direct usage of our publishes network.

Publishers Market Place

Our Market place solution is displayed at it’s best when it comes to our publishers, instead of choosing and offer to promote which is available, we ask them to choose an advertiser’s campaign, this way meet the needs & abilities of both marketplace sides.

Third Party Market Place

In our experience we’ve learned that bringing both products and partners to promote them, is simply not enough. Each campaign has it’s own requirements, creative needs and additional services that in most cases does not exists neither with publishers nor with advertisers. Hence we allow 3rd Party providers, to complete this missing link in the way to launch an real successful campaign.

Campaign Planning

Marketing requires a dedicated budget, resources and guidelines in order for it to be successful. Unfortunately, we’ve learned the hard way that without careful and detailed planning most campaign will fail, hence we offer this solution which is one of our top selling secondary services.

Campaign Optimization

This is a solution dedicated for our analysis team to be able and review active and past campaign’s results with their KPIs. Optimization in the online marketing sphere, is crucial for a campaign’s life expectancy and its ROI percentages.

Plan & Launch

The “Plan & Launch” Solution is for new operations which have yet to launch their first campaign. This is a simple Baby Step Strategy with easy to execute action items, basing on the existing resources available.

Please… Feel Free to Contact Us!

Here at Vikhod Ltd we take very seriously out customer care and inquiries! Please do no hesitate to contact us with your inquiry and our dedicated team will assist with anything you may need.

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We are here to answer your questions!


9/F Amtel Bldg 148 Des Vouex
RD Central Central, Hong Kong
Reg No. 3020441

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Monday-Friday: 9AM / 6PM

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